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Part Search

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My Power Parts Store Features

By registering for the My Power Parts Store you have taken control of the parts discovery and purchase process for your GE Vernova equipment. With access to the store, you will have 24x7 access to :

As a Power Services customer :
  • Search our database of parts for your GE Vernova heavy duty gas turbines & generators
  • Understand real-time pricing and parts availability
  • Request quotes online, understand quote status and view historical quotes
  • Place orders online, understand order status and view historical orders
  • Create lists of parts that can be viewed at a later time or shared with colleagues
As an Energy Consulting customer :
  • Create and maintain your company customer information
  • Search for, configure, and order software licenses
  • Sign up for training courses

Our goal is to simplify your parts discovery and fulfillment process. If you have any questions throughout your experience, please use the above Contact Us button. Our Customer Excellence Team is here to serve you.